Simi Valley High School
Work Experience
The SVHS Work Experience Office provides support and guidance for students participating in work experience programs. It helps students balance their academic and work responsibilities while ensuring compliance with school policies and legal requirements.
Services Offered
- Work permit applications and processing
- Coordination of work experience opportunities
- Guidance on balancing school and work responsibilities
- Documentation and verification of work hours for credit
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be enrolled in the 11th grade or higher
- Maintain a 2.0 GPA from the previous semester
- Meet attendance requirements (90% attendance rate)
- Attend an assigned class each week
Job Requirements
- Employment in an approved job:
- No independent contracting or consulting
- Direct supervision on the job (students cannot work alone)
- Workman’s Compensation coverage
- Legally paid job with at least minimum wage
- Social Security deducted from paychecks
- Job location:
- A non-residential business, open to public access, at a stationary location (no jobs within a home)
- Worksite must be within the geographical parameters of the Work Experience Education program
Verification of Work Hours
- Work hours must be verified by check stubs (150 hours required for 5 credits)
Work Experience Office
- 805-577-1400, option 4
- Monday-Friday
- 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- Unless otherwise posted
- Room K-3: Taggart
- Room D-4: Pond